FBIAA® Advocacy

Federal Policy Issues We’re Advancing for Members
The FBIAA’s advocacy team in Washington is working on a range of policy issues to advance the interests of FBI Special Agents and is guided in its work by input from the FBIAA National Executive Board.

Protecting Your Compensation and Benefits
Protecting FBI Agents and their compensation and benefits is a top priority for FBIAA. This advocacy includes:
- Compensation and Benefits: Reductions in Agents’ pay or benefits is improper and creates recruitment and retention problems for the Bureau. FBIAA works closely with policymakers to prevent or limit hiring or pay freezes, and changes to retirement benefits that would reduce Agents’ take-home pay or limit the scope benefits that have been promised to Agents. Recently, FBIAA joined other groups in successfully persuading Congress to take action to address the increased tax liability placed on many government employees when Congress eliminated the tax deduction for reimbursement of moving expenses.
- Funding for the Bureau: To ensure that Agents have the proper tools to do their jobs, FBIAA advocates for sufficient funding from Congress to support the Bureau’s needs. The FBIAA has been a leading voice in helping policymakers and the public understand the damage that is done by government shutdowns or insufficient funding of Bureau operations.

Enhancing and Protecting Investigative Tools
FBIAA is working on issues related to providing investigators and prosecutors with the tools necessary to combat current threats to public safety. These issues include:
- Qualified Immunity: As the debate over police reform continues, the FBIAA is delivering a clear and consistent message to policymakers—maintaining the qualified immunity defense for Special Agents is essential. Special Agents cannot perform their difficult and important investigative work if they face the prospect of personal liability stemming from the exercise of their professional judgment.
- Domestic Terrorism: In the wake of recent mass shootings, the FBIAA is working to attach a penalty to the definition of “domestic terrorism” contained in the U.S. Code. The FBIAA has helped drive this ongoing policy debate and our proposals are at the heart of discussions taking place in both the White House and Congress.
- Lawful Access to Electronic Evidence: The FBIAA is a strong advocate for ensuring that law enforcement can access vital electronic evidence without unnecessary technological or bureaucratic barriers. The FBIAA was one of the lead supporters of recent legislative proposals to ensure access to electronic evidence, and we continue to work with legislators on this important issue.

Other Special Agent Issues
FBIAA is working on issues related to providing investigators and prosecutors with the tools necessary to combat current threats to public safety. These issues include:
- The centrality of Special Agents to the Bureau: Across policy issues, FBIAA educates policymakers in the Executive and Legislative branches about the centrality of Special Agents to the Bureau’s mission. The FBIAA works to ensure that the growth of alternative career paths in the Bureau will not undermine support for Special Agents, and that the intelligence functions of the Bureau are not moved to other agencies.
- Recognition of Fallen Heroes: The FBIAA ensures that all fallen Agents receive the recognition and benefits that they have earned and deserve. FBIAA successfully advocated to include Agents who passed away from 9/11-related illnesses on the FBI Wall of Honor.
These are just a few examples of the many policy issues that FBIAA is working on in Washington on behalf of members. If you have questions about these or any other issues, please contact your chapter representative.