Thursday, November 21st, 2024
An annual event hosted by the FBI Agents Association (FBIAA) benefiting the FBIAA Memorial College Fund and the FBIAA Membership Assistance Fund.
SA Tommy Norris
The 2023 G-Man Honors, A Salute to Heroes, honoree for 2023, is retired FBI Special Agent Thomas Norris. Prior to entering on duty with the FBI, Tommy Norris served as a U.S. Navy Seal, serving two tours in Vietnam. During one of these tours, (April 1972) Tommy led the rescue of two downed pilots across enemy lines. For his selfless acts of bravery, Tommy Norris received the highest honor in the United States Military, The Medal of Honor. Tommy Norris returned to combat in Vietnam. In October of 1972 he was shot by the enemy, was badly wounded, losing an eye. Tommy’s rescue from the battlefield earned his rescuer the Medal of Honor.
After recuperating from his injuries, Tommy went to the White House and met with President Ford. When asked what his plans were, Norris answered he would like to fulfill his dream to be an FBI Agent.
Then Director of the FBI, Judge William Webster, also a US Navy veteran, gave Norris the opportunity to pass the rigorous physical requirements. Tommy crushed the physical and shooting elements of this training, entered Quantico and became an Agent of the FBI where he fulfilled an amazing career.
At this year’s G-Man Honors, SA Thomas Norris (Ret) will be joined by FBIAA friend and supporter, Judge William Webster, the man who gave Tommy the opportunity to fulfill his dream of being an FBI Agent. Director Webster, the only person to be named both Director of the FBI and CIA, will be turning 100 years old in 2024.
SA Tommy Norris (ret.) represents Fidelity Bravery and Integrity. Overcoming great odds to rescue two fellow serviceman and then exhibiting amazing resilience in both surviving a serious combat injury and attaining his dream of continuing his service to others as an Agent of the FBI.
FBIAA Charitable Funds
The FBIAA Memorial College Fund and the Membership Assistance Fund. Both of these 501(c)(3) organizations offer vital assistance to FBI families in need. Your tax deductible contribution to the Memorial College Fund and the Membership Assistance Fund will make a difference in the lives of Agents and their families.
Support the FBIAA’s two charitable funds by
texting FBIAA to 50155.
FBIAA Membership Assistance Fund
Helping members and their families cope with emergencies and unforeseen tragedies.
FBIAA Membership Assistance Fund
The FBIAA MAF provides financial assistance to FBIAA members and their families who have been affected by sudden hardship or tragedy. The Fund has helped families make emergency travel, afford treatments for grave illnesses and injuries, purchase necessary durable medical equipment, and pay for funeral expenses.
FBIAA Memorial College Fund
Helping children of deceased FBI Agents achieve their college dreams.
FBIAA Memorial College Fund
The FBI Agents Association (FBIAA) is an organization dedicated to providing support and advocacy for active and former Special Agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
FBI Special Agents put their lives on the line every day in service of our country. The risks they take and the burdens they bear are shared by their families
Behind every FBI Special Agent is a family. And behind every family is the FBIAA.
The FBI Agents Association (FBIAA) is an organization dedicated to providing support and advocacy for active and former Special Agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
FBI Special Agents put their lives on the line every day in service of our country. The risks they take and the burdens they bear are shared by their families. Behind every FBI Special Agent is a family. And behind every family is the FBIAA.
Behind every FBI Special Agent is a family. And behind every family is the FBIAA.
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FBIAA stands with FBI Agents and their families. We are able to do this important work because
of your support and generosity. By contributing to our Funds, you’ll help to ensure that FBIAA can
be there for FBI families in the future. The Funds are tax-exempt charities under section 501(c) (3)
of the Internal Revenue Code. All contributions to the Funds are tax deductible to the
full extent allowed by law.